Tuesday 21 April 2015


For so long people rely on their friends, too make them laugh when they want to cry be that person to pick you up. However, you often are that person who is the shoulder to cry on and the one who always caring  about what happens to them. I like to think I have many friends but if reality most of them are just people I know and occasionally speak to.

over time I have learnt what a "true friend " actually is. It is that person who will drop everything to make sure you are okay. It is that person who knows you so well they know when you are upset even though you are acting like you are fine. It is that person who will stand by you no matter what happens. The only problem is I can't find that friend.

I mean I though I had a true friend but over time I realised she wasn't. I have always been that person my friends come to when something is up and drops everything to make sure they are okay. But when I need them they are never to be seen or they are too busy with their boyfriend to help me.

I don't understand how that work how you have the right to make someone who has been their for you threw thick and thin, and still make them feel like crap. HAHAH girl power yeah right.

The truth is you will get friend who you think are "TRUE FRIENDS" but they are not. It take a lot for you to finally realise what your "friends " are really like.

When you feel completely alone yet their is 7 billion + people in the world. you need to realise your not alone all you need to do is ask for help or just speak to a family member you can trust.

"Just keep moving forward and don't give a shit about what anybody thinks. do what you have to do, for you" - Johnny Depp


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